Daily check-ins can be helpful to ensure people are working on the right things or perhaps they want to call out blockers / challenges. These aren’t mandatory to have but having even an asynchronous version can be helpful. Here is my typical structure

Daily Check in

✅ What went well yesterday

❌ Challenges I’m having

⚙️ Plan for today

🛡️ Things I’m blocked on (tag relevant people)

You may also decide you would like team members to check in and check out. In which case you can use this structure

Check In

⚙️ Plan for today

🛡️ Things I’m blocked on (tag relevant people)

Check Out

✅ What went well yesterday

❌ Challenges I’m having

🛡️ Things I’m blocked on (tag relevant people)

Actual Systems

You can do this in 2 ways, create a slack channel for these updates or you can have a daily call for 10-15 minutes. If you’re in person, even better. However make sure everyone is standing so it doesn’t become a long meeting and keep it very short. Any time people get off topic just politely remind them that they should make a note and sync on it separately.

Scaling with Size

At some point you may find that syncing the whole team is impractical. Syncs work well for around 5/6 people which would be 2 minutes per person. Beyond this, I would break them down by departments, teams or some other way.