In life, as in business, it's always better to take action, even if it leads to failure. Failing because you tried something is a badge of honor. It means you dared to step out of your comfort zone, you were brave enough to take a risk, and you learned something valuable along the way.
On the other hand, failing because you didn't do anything is the worst kind of failure. It means you wasted an opportunity to learn and grow. It means you let fear or laziness or complacency hold you back.
This philosophy is especially important when building teams. As a leader, I always encourage my team members to take risks, to try new things, to push the boundaries. I tell them, "I'd rather you try and fail than do nothing and not risk anything."
Because failures due to action are valuable. They help us learn, grow, and improve. But failures due to inaction are just wasted opportunities. So, always remember - it's better to fail with a swing than to strike out by standing still.