Mar 26, 2024 6:40 AM
After reciting the 6th one-liner of the day, my friend laughed at how my brain just remembers one-liners that changed my life. Here is the record of those things!
Productivity & Organisation
Ignore Productivity Porn
Ignore Productivity Porn
Least Recently Used (LRU)
Least Recently Used (LRU)
Immediate 2 Min Tasks
Immediate 2 Min Tasks
Don't Start Things You Don't See Yourself Finishing
Don't Start Things You Don't See Yourself Finishing
Rush to 80% and Finish the 20% if you have time
Rush to 80% and Finish the 20% if you have time
Control Input, Calibrate with Outputs
Control Input, Calibrate with Outputs
Eat The Frog or Shortest Processing Time
Eat The Frog or Shortest Processing Time
Play More. Having Fun = More Productivity
Play More. Having Fun = More Productivity
Burnout Types: Overexertion. Depletion. Misalignment
Burnout Types: Overexertion. Depletion. Misalignment
Don’t force work, unblock procrastination
Don’t force work, unblock procrastination
Be Anti-Long Term Planning. Do what you think not what you thought.
Be Anti-Long Term Planning. Do what you think not what you thought.
Avoid Burnout: Conserving, Recharging & Aligning
Avoid Burnout: Conserving, Recharging & Aligning
Maker Schedule vs Manager Schedule
Maker Schedule vs Manager Schedule
10-Minute Rule for Distractions
10-Minute Rule for Distractions
Time Management is Pain Management
Time Management is Pain Management
Be Effective, not Efficient
Be Effective, not Efficient
Communication & Leadership
When Possible, Yes to Inbound
When Possible, Yes to Inbound
Fight with Facts
Fight with Facts
Ask for Permission & Agree on the Context
Ask for Permission & Agree on the Context
Accenture the Positive & Give FeedForwards
Accenture the Positive & Give FeedForwards
Focus on Solutions not Problems
Focus on Solutions not Problems
Earn the Right to Challenge Directly
Earn the Right to Challenge Directly
Give people Eureka Energy
Give people Eureka Energy
Close the Loop
Close the Loop
Manufactured Serendipity
Manufactured Serendipity
Co-founders must earn a seat at the table
Co-founders must earn a seat at the table
The Benjamin Franklin Effect
The Benjamin Franklin Effect
Strongly Held Beliefs, Loosely Held
Strongly Held Beliefs, Loosely Held
Be Curious
Be Curious
Never let a good crisis go to waste
Never let a good crisis go to waste
RICE: 4 Types of Motivation
RICE: 4 Types of Motivation
The Babble Effect
The Babble Effect
But So Storytelling
But So Storytelling
Building trust through I don’t knows
Building trust through I don’t knows
The Protege Boost
The Protege Boost
Publicly execute your bad idea your team knows that you've moved on
Publicly execute your bad idea your team knows that you've moved on
Intention and Obstacles
Intention and Obstacles
Decision Making
Think about the First Principles
Think about the First Principles
Eisenhower Matrix
Eisenhower Matrix
Overfitting / Constraint Relaxation
Overfitting / Constraint Relaxation
ICE Framework for Prioritisation
ICE Framework for Prioritisation
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Explore vs Exploit
Explore vs Exploit
Regret Minimisation Framework
Regret Minimisation Framework
Clarity of Distance
Clarity of Distance
Raise your ‘Yes Threshold’
Raise your ‘Yes Threshold’
Floor Goals & Fk Yeah Goals
Floor Goals & Fk Yeah Goals
Pyramid of Clarity
Pyramid of Clarity
You don’t rise to your goals you fall to your systems
You don’t rise to your goals you fall to your systems
A founders role is to inject risk into the business
A founders role is to inject risk into the business
Team Building & Management
Transition from Delegating Tasks → Delegating Decisions
Transition from Delegating Tasks → Delegating Decisions
Fundraising ≠ pay rises
Fundraising ≠ pay rises
Culture != Working With People You Like
Culture != Working With People You Like
Hire Learn it alls not Know it Alls
Hire Learn it alls not Know it Alls
Hire for Strengths not Lack of Weaknesses
Hire for Strengths not Lack of Weaknesses
Operate your Team like a Sports Coach
Operate your Team like a Sports Coach
Early Stage Employees are a Band of Pirates
Early Stage Employees are a Band of Pirates
Don’t force change, allow people to have change
Don’t force change, allow people to have change
Ensure you’re redlining before hiring
Ensure you’re redlining before hiring
Don’t Hire Disappearing Homers
Don’t Hire Disappearing Homers
Teams Win Championships
Teams Win Championships
Conduct Brainwriting not Brainstorming
Conduct Brainwriting not Brainstorming
Don’t Hire the Safari/IE Users
Don’t Hire the Safari/IE Users
Use Work & Projects to Regulate Confidence
Use Work & Projects to Regulate Confidence
Better to fail with a swing than to strike out by standing still
Better to fail with a swing than to strike out by standing still
#1 Predictor of Employee Retention is whether they have a friend at work
#1 Predictor of Employee Retention is whether they have a friend at work
Psychology & Game Theory
Endowment Effect
Endowment Effect
Operational Transparency
Operational Transparency
Loss Aversion > Gain Acquisition
Loss Aversion > Gain Acquisition
Outcomes over Processes
Outcomes over Processes
Avoid the Avalanche of Cheaters
Avoid the Avalanche of Cheaters
Peak End Rule
Peak End Rule
Idleness Aversion
Idleness Aversion
Uncertainty Anxiety
Uncertainty Anxiety
The Goal Gradient Effect
The Goal Gradient Effect
Goldilocks Effect
Goldilocks Effect
The Batman Effect
The Batman Effect
If you can’t hack the systems, hack the people
If you can’t hack the systems, hack the people
You like people who are like you
You like people who are like you
Rate of change is only increasing
Rate of change is only increasing
Self Control is Internal Conflict Management
Self Control is Internal Conflict Management
Ask for the Answer - People Love to Know when they are right
Ask for the Answer - People Love to Know when they are right
Ensure you understand what is Table Stakes
Ensure you understand what is Table Stakes
Don't go to a desert looking for water, go to a waterfall and get wet.
Don't go to a desert looking for water, go to a waterfall and get wet.
Become Obsessed with the Problem Not the Product
Become Obsessed with the Problem Not the Product
Find out if it’s a bad idea tomorrow
Find out if it’s a bad idea tomorrow
Ideas can only be validated through sales not surveys
Ideas can only be validated through sales not surveys
1 Hour Validation | Time Constrain Yourself
1 Hour Validation | Time Constrain Yourself
The Launch Triangle
The Launch Triangle
If you can’t be a pioneer be a fast follower
If you can’t be a pioneer be a fast follower
When early in prototyping start with the weird/quirky stuff first
When early in prototyping start with the weird/quirky stuff first
If you’re too cheap to buy something, you could be paying for it every day
If you’re too cheap to buy something, you could be paying for it every day
Fail Fast & Often
Fail Fast & Often
The worst thing for a business is a tired CEO
The worst thing for a business is a tired CEO
Write down and disprove your biggest worries
Write down and disprove your biggest worries
Focus on painkillers, not vitamins
Focus on painkillers, not vitamins
Avoid Tarpit Ideas
Avoid Tarpit Ideas
Customer Success is not always Customer Happiness
Customer Success is not always Customer Happiness
Look for what everyone charges for - make it better and make it free
Look for what everyone charges for - make it better and make it free
Laugh at perfection. It’s boring and keeps you from being done
Laugh at perfection. It’s boring and keeps you from being done
Get good enough at something to recognise the best
Get good enough at something to recognise the best
Spend Time on the -1 to 0 Journey
Spend Time on the -1 to 0 Journey
Marketing is the tax you pay for an unremarkable product
Marketing is the tax you pay for an unremarkable product
Whoever can get the most from a customer wins
Whoever can get the most from a customer wins
Scale Up Phase
Exploit the learning curve
Exploit the learning curve
Don’t always price for maximum profits
Don’t always price for maximum profits
Continually refresh your offer to customers
Continually refresh your offer to customers
New Uses for Same Products
New Uses for Same Products
Trim the Fat
Trim the Fat
The Generalists to Specialists Cycle
The Generalists to Specialists Cycle
Be relentless in hiring and relaxed in oversight
Be relentless in hiring and relaxed in oversight
Only hire people who align with the mission
Only hire people who align with the mission
Product Manager to People Manager to Money Manager
Product Manager to People Manager to Money Manager
The 5 Tenants of 5x Acquisition Valuation
The 5 Tenants of 5x Acquisition Valuation
Cool Wears Off but Useful Doesn’t
Cool Wears Off but Useful Doesn’t
Personal Happiness
Do creative activities — but protect them
Do creative activities — but protect them
Schedule Worry Time
Schedule Worry Time
10-10-10 Rule
10-10-10 Rule
Good Life = Happiness + Meaning + Variety
Good Life = Happiness + Meaning + Variety
Be part of something bigger
Be part of something bigger
Stop getting cheap dopamine from proxies for real-life
Stop getting cheap dopamine from proxies for real-life
90% of disease is caused by the Exposome
90% of disease is caused by the Exposome
99% of things bought is in garbage within 6 months
99% of things bought is in garbage within 6 months
Memory Requires Repetition, Association, Novelty and Emotional Resonance
Memory Requires Repetition, Association, Novelty and Emotional Resonance
When you’re a giver the universe conspires to help you
When you’re a giver the universe conspires to help you
If you want to change someone’s life, start by changing their day first
If you want to change someone’s life, start by changing their day first
Be Contrarian and Be Right.
Be Contrarian and Be Right.
Narrative follows price
Narrative follows price
Figure out what poker table you’re at
Figure out what poker table you’re at